Descriptive Analysis Workbook Review

Descriptive Analysis Workbook Review


The Descriptive Analysis Workbook provides detailed analyses on product and panelist performance. The report is compatible with sample related Line Scale , Category , LMS , Numeric , and ' Choose Only 1 ' questions when 2 or more samples are included in the analysis.

The workbook contains over 20 unique sheets, each with their own purpose. The workbook can be customized to fit your reporting needs where you can download just one sheet, some, or all of them.

Generate Descriptive Analysis Workbook

  1. From the Test Overview screen, click Results Beta.
  2. From the Reports menu, select Create report.
  3. Under 1. Select report type, select Descriptive analysis workbook.
  4. Under 2. Select options, specify the options you wish to include in the report. Your selections will hold for future reports. Each sheet has a corresponding set of options.
    Click on individual report sheets outlined in the below table for more details about required selections and analysis details.

    Report Sheet
    Corresponding Options
    Product Means Radar Graphs - Select Spider plots under the Product/Attribute Information section .

    Product Summary - Select Product summary under the Product/Attribute Information section.

    Product Mean Graphs - Select Product mean graphs under the Product/Attribute Information section 

    Attribute Summary - Select Attribute summary under the Product/Attribute Information section.

    Attribute Breakdown - Select Attribute breakdown under the Product/Attribute Information section.

    Attribute Performance Summary - Select Attribute performance summary under the Panelist Performance Summary section and specify the threshold values for Performance status , Sample means , Discriminating panelists , and Panelists in agreement .

    Panel Performance Summary - Select Panelist performance summary under the Panelist Performance Summary section .

    Crossover Scores - Select Panelist performance summary and specify Crossover threshold under the Panelist Performance Summary section .

    Scale Mean Usage - Select Panelist performance summary and specify Scale mean usage threshold under the Panelist Performance Summary section .

    Panelist SD Table -This sheet will generate only if reps/sessions are included in the test . Select Panelist performance summary and specify SD Threshold as percentage of scale under the Panelist Performance Summary section .

    Scale Range Usage - Select Panelist performance summary and specify Scale range usage threshold under the Panelist Performance Summary section .

    Panelist vs Panel Correlation Table - Select Panelist vs panel correlation and specify Green threshold and Red threshold. You will have to scroll down in 2. Select Options area to find this and the remaining options outlined below .

    Correlation Table - Select Correlation table .

    p vs MSE (Attribute) - Select p vs MSE (attribute) .

    p vs MSE (Panelist) - Select p vs MSE (panelist) .

    Panelist Consistency - Select Panelist consistency and specify Large Threshold, Medium Threshold and Small Threshold .

    Panelist Mean Scores - Select Panelist mean score .

    Panelist Mean Graphs - Select Panelist mean graph .

    Panelist Performance Counts - Select Panelist performance counts .

    Panelist Rank Orders - Select Panelist rank orders .

    Rank Orders Graphs - Select Rank orders graph .

    Panelist Results by Sample - Select Panelist result by sample .

    Panelist Cards - Select Panelist cards .

  5. Under 3. Select questions, select the questions and attributes that you wish to include in the report.
  6. 4. Select export type has only one export type. Click Create my report.
  7. Click the download arrow, save the report to a location on your computer or network drive and open it.

Sheet Selection

Use the following flowchart to guide your sheet selection based on the type of insight you wish to gain from your data.

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