Descriptive Analysis Workbook Panel Performance Summary

Descriptive Analysis Workbook Panel Performance Summary

What is it?

Panel Performance Summary is one of the sheets in the Descriptive Analysis Workbook . An overview of your panel and panelist performance based on five areas that may be of interest: Standard Deviation, Crossover, Discrimination, Scale Range Usage, and Scale Mean Usage.

Why would I use it?

See how often your panel/panelists are outside of the set thresholds. Determine which subsequent sheets merit further examination.

Setup options

To generate the Panel Performance Summary sheet, under 2. Select Options , select Panelist performance summary.  Update the thresholds as required.

The Analysis Options from Defaults area indicates what your default selections for ANOVA model and post hoc test are. If a change is necessary, click Change Advanced Analysis Options .

Analysis Overview

  1. Total % The number of times all panelist were outside the threshold/the total number of responses *100.
  2. Panelist . The number of times each panelist was outside the threshold/the total number of responses *100.

Example Conclusion

We notice that Scale Range Usage is outside the threshold for almost 51% of the panel responses. We should take a closer look to determine what is happening.

We also see that our panel is discriminating well, with less than 1% of responses being outside the threshold. It appears that Tabitha Rouse may have issues with discriminating some attributes. The Panelist Breakdown tables below and Panelist Mean Scores sheet will provide us with more insight.

Panelist Standard Deviation . If a panelist is above the set threshold for Panelist SD Table for the specified attribute, 1 will be in the corresponding cell, otherwise 0 will be given.
Crossover . If a panelist is above the set threshold for Crossover Table for the specified attribute, 1 will be in the corresponding cell, otherwise 0 will be given. Meaning that the panelist ranked the same way as the panel.
Discrimination . If a panelist p-Prod value is above the set alpha for Panelist Mean Score Table for the specified attribute, 1 will be in the corresponding cell, otherwise 0 will be given.
Scale Range Usage . If a panelist is above the set threshold for Scale Range Usage Table for the specified attribute, 1 will be in the corresponding cell, otherwise 0 will be given.
Scale Mean Usage . If a panelist is above the set threshold for Scale Mean Usage Table for the specified attribute, 1 will be in the corresponding cell, otherwise 0 will be given.

Example Conclusion

We see that Tabitha Rouse is having difficulty discriminating Sweetness Flavour.

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