Descriptive Analysis Workbook Product Mean Graphs

Descriptive Analysis Workbook Product Mean Graphs

What is it?

Product Mean Graphs is one of the sheets in the Descriptive Analysis Workbook . It is a visual representation of panel and panelist product intensities for each attribute.

Why would I use it?

It can be helpful for visually comparing products as well as panelist responses.

Setup options

To generate the Product Mean Graphs sheet, under 2. Select Options , select Product mean graphs.

Analysis Overview

  1. Graph data . Each attribute has its own graph and corresponding data table to the left of the graph. The table for each sample for the attribute contains:
    1. Attribute name . Identifies which attribute the graph data belongs to.
    2. Panelist . List of panelists, one panelist per row starting with the 'Panel'.
    3. Samples . List of samples included in the analysis, one per column.
    4. Scores/means . The panel mean in the first row of the table is calculated across all panelists, across all reps (where applicable). In the subsequent rows, individual panelists' scores are displayed if no reps were included in the analysis. If reps were included in the analysis, individual panelists' means are listed instead.
  2. x-axis . Panel and Panelists.
  3. y-axis . Intensity scores/means.

For more information on panelist agreement and product performance, see Panelist Mean Scores sheet.

Example Conclusion

We can observe in the below graph that Apple Juice 4 has a higher Cooked Apple Aroma intensity than the other samples. We also notice that one of our panelists, Noel Crabtree , seems to have reversed the scale for this attribute. We now might consider looking into panelist performance.

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