Descriptive Analysis Workbook Product Means Radar Graphs

Descriptive Analysis Workbook Product Means Radar Graphs

What is it?

Product Means Radar Graphs is one of the sheets in the Descriptive Analysis Workbook. It is a visual overview of your product intensities for each attribute.

Why would I use it?

It can be helpful for initial product performance impressions and presenting findings.

Setup options

To generate the Product Means Radar Graphs sheet, under 2. Select Options , select Spider plots .

The Analysis Options from Defaults area indicates what your default selections for ANOVA model and post hoc test are. If a change is necessary, click Change Advanced Analysis Options .

Analysis Overview

  1. The first graph will include all attributes, the subsequent graphs will be separated by question.
  2. Graphs will generate only if 3 or more attributes are used.
  3. Results are averaged across panelists and reps, where applicable.
  4. For more details on significant attributes and product discrimination, see the Product Summary sheet.
  5. Sheet components:

    1. If the Product Means Radar Graphs is the first sheet in your Descriptive Analysis Workbook , then you will see a statement similar to the following:
      " Analysis performed using analysis of variance (2-way) with samples X panelists interaction and Tukey's HSD at alpha=0.05 "
      1. In this example statement, we can see that the 2-way ANOVA with panelist interaction was used. This option can be selected in 2. Select Options.
        1. At the bottom of that section, click Change Advanced Analysis Options.
        2. Select Analysis of variance - 2 way with interactions Fixed - Always use MSE

          select Analysis of variance - 2 way with interactions Conditional - Use MS interaction if interaction F-test is significant, otherwise use MSE.

      2. In the same example statement, we can also see that the post hoc used is Tukey's HSD at 0.05 alpha. Both of these options can be set in 2. Select Options. Click Change Advanced Analysis Options .
        1. To specify desired alpha, type a value in the Alpha box.
        2. To specify the post hoc of your choice, on the same screen, select from the available options.

    2. Graph Data . The table from which the radar graph is generated contains all the attributes, samples and their means.
    3. Radar Graph . The first plot includes all attributes from all questions. Depending on the number of questions included in the report, a separate plot for each question containing at least three attributes will be displayed (you will need to scroll down on the sheet to see remaining plots).

      Graph details:

  1. Attributes . Each corner in the plot represents an attribute.
  2. Means . Each ring represents a mean value. A table of means is located to the left of the corresponding graph.
  3. Attributes with significant difference . When an attribute is denoted by (*) it indicates that there is a significant difference between samples in that attribute.
  4. Samples . The coloured lines represent the samples. The legend is included at the bottom of the graph.

Example Conclusion

We can observe in the below graph that all attributes are statistically significant. In most cases, we suspect that Apple Juice 4 is different from one or more of the other samples. With the possible exception of Viscosity . The Product Summary tab can provide more insight.

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