Descriptive Analysis Workbook Correlation Table

Descriptive Analysis Workbook Correlation Table

What is it?

Correlation Table is one of the sheets in the Descriptive Analysis Workbook . Displays the attribute correlation across all samples and reps.

Why would I use it?

 To see if there is a positive or negative correlation between attributes.

Setup options

To generate the Correlation Table sheet, under 2. Select Options , select Correlation table .

Analysis Overview

Highlight high positive or negative correlations.   Scale Range -1 to 1.
Thresholds are set at <-0.5 and >0.5

  1. Red cells . Correlation value greater than the upper threshold.
  2. Orange cells . Correlation value less than the lower threshold.
  3. White cells . Correlation value between the thresholds.

Example Conclusion

Sweetness Flavour is positively correlated above the threshold for Yellow Colour, Fresh Apple Aroma, Sweetness Aroma and Fresh Apple Flavour. It is also positively correlated with Opacity and Tartness Flavour but it does not meet threshold criteria.
Sweetness Flavour is negatively correlated with Brown Colour, Cooked Apple Aroma and Cooked Apple Flavour.
If we were hoping to simplify our ballot by removing attributes we might consider only have Cooked Apple Flavour or Cooked Apple Aroma as they are very highly positively correlated.
We also observe that Cooked Apple Aroma is negatively correlated with Fresh Apple Aroma, same with Cooked Apple Flavour and Fresh Apple Flavour. This is anticipated as they would not be expected to both be present at the same time.

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