Display Question Name to Panelists

Display Question Name to Panelists


By default, the question names are visible only to you and other analysts in the test Build tab and in the reports. The question names are not visible to panelists unless you make them visible. Attribute names, on the other hand, are displayed to panelists by default.

Sometimes it is useful to display question names to panelists. For example, an Overall liking Category question can have multiple attributes within it, such as Appearance, Aroma, Flavour, etc. In the same questionnaire, you may have an Intensity Category question with multiple attributes, such as Aroma, Flavour, etc. While the attribute names will be displayed to panelists without your intervention, the question names will not. In a click of a button, you can also display the question names to the panelists so they know exactly what they are evaluating.

Of course, the instructions text should provide the main details, but simple question name can be all that is needed for well trained panelists.

If you would like to display the question names to the panelists, you have two options:
  1. Display to panelists a question name as is. Panelist will see the question name exactly how it is visible to you. This is useful if the question name does not contain any sensitive information, such as information that reveals sample properties.


  2. Display to panelists a different question name. Panelists will see a question name that is different from the one visible to you and other analysts. This is useful if the question name visible to you is required to be in a specific format for reporting purposes. It may contain sensitive information or it may be too lengthy for the purposes of displaying to panelists.

Follow the workflows on this page that correspond to your testing needs.

Display to Panelists Question Name As Is

  1. In the Question options of your question, in the General tab, review the question name.
    1. If you believe that the question name is presentable to the panelists, go to the next step.

    2. If you need to make any changes to the question name to make it work for both your reporting needs and to be presentable to panelists, update the Question name field.

  2. In the Show question name to panelists, click Show .

  3. Click Save to save the changes.

    Alternatively, you can click off of the Question options panel (anywhere on the screen) to save the changes.

Display to Panelists Different Question Name

  1. In the Question options of your question, in the General tab, keep the Show question name to panelists, set to Hide.

  2. In the
  3. Click Save to save the changes.

    Alternatively, you can click off of the Question options panel (anywhere on the screen) to save the changes.

Hide Question Name from Panelists

If the question name is set to display to panelists (perhaps you cloned an existing test with this feature enabled), but you do not want that, follow these steps to hide the question name:
  1. In the Question options of your question, in the General tab, set the Show question name to panelists to Hide.

  2. In the
  3. Click Save to save the changes.

    Alternatively, you can click off of the Question options panel (anywhere on the screen) to save the changes.

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