Accessing Question and Attribute Options

Accessing Question and Attribute Options


Every question type has various options available. Different question types have different options to assist you in setting up your tests in the best possible way to meet your data collection and analysis objectives.

Additionally, attributes have their own set of options. Attributes are available in Category and Line scale question types.

Line scale questions are available in the advanced version of the software.

While question level options are applicable across attributes within that question, some options can be further specified at the attribute level. This allows for even greater flexibility within individual attributes.

In this workflow you will learn how to access question and attribute options.

Access Question Options

  1. Go to the Build tab of your test and locate the question you wish to review the options for.
    1. If the question is expanded, click anywhere on the question, and on the far right of the Question name, click Question options. The Question options panel will slide into the view from the right, revealing available options.

    2. If the question is collapsed, on the far right of the Question name, click on the three blue vertical dots and select Question options. The Question options panel will slide into the view from the right, revealing available options.

  2. Use the tabs in the top right-hand corner to navigate through different groups of options. The tab availability depends on the question type you are viewing. Below is an example screenshot from a Choose Question options screen.

If you notice that clicking on different tabs does not seem to do anything, it means that your screen is large enough to display all options in it. The tabs are very useful on small screens, such as those on mobile devices.

Access Attribute Options

  1. Go to the Build tab of your test and locate your Category scale or Line scale attribute you wish to review the options for.
    1. If the attribute is expanded, click anywhere on the attribute, and on the far right of the Attribute name, click Attribute options. The Attribute options panel will slide into the view from the right, revealing available options.

    2. If the attribute is collapsed, on the far right of the Attribute name, click on the three yellow vertical dots and select Attribute options. The Attribute options panel will slide into the view from the right, revealing available options.

  2.  Use the tabs in the top right-hand corner to navigate through different groups of options. The tabs availability depends on the question type your attributes are a part of. Below is an example screenshot from a Category Attribute options screen.

If you notice that clicking on different tabs does not seem to do anything, it means that your screen is large enough to display all options in it. The tabs are very useful on small screens, such as those on mobile devices.

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