


On the Build tab, you will be able to add questions into the test that panelist will answer during the test presentation.  

Welcome and Thank You Screen

Tests will have a Welcome screen to start as Page 1 and a Thank You screen when the test has been completed as the final page. Both pages can be updated and branded to your needs. You can edit these pages by clicking Expand page on the corresponding page header.

Learn how to edit the Welcome and Thank You screens

Add Questions, Text, and Time Delay   

  1. In the left bar, from the list of questions, drag and drop a question of your choice to a location on the page where you wish the question to appear.

    Alternatively you can click on the question and it will append to the end of the questionnaire.

  2. Update the Question name field.

  3. Click  Add panelist instructions for this question   to provide specific instructions to your panelists. 

  4. Review and update Question options as needed.

Different test types are compatible with different set of questions types. Survey test types are compatible with not sample related questions only.


You will be able to place questions on the same screen or add page breaks to allow questions to be shown on their own page. 

By default, questions will automatically be added to Page 2. 

Add Page Break

  1. In the Build tab, click the 3 dots  on the right of the question you'd like to add the page break.

  2. Click Add page break above to add a page break above the question; or 
    Add page break below
    to add a page break below the question. 

Remove Page Break

In the  Build  tab, click  Remove page break . to show the questions above and below the Remove page break line on the same page. 


You can train panelists on specific attributes by clicking the  Training   button      . 


You can setup connections     to allow you to send panelists to specific target point in the questionnaire (another question, the end of the questions for a sample, or even the end of the test) depending on their answers in the branched question.  

Check Build   

Once all the questions have been added with any options or connections , you can click    Check Build     button         to review if there are any errors or warnings in the test.   

If there are any errors or warnings in the test, it will outline which question and a note to correct them.  


By clicking Expand all button, all the questions in the test will be expanded to see a quick snippet of how the question is setup. 

Similarly, when clicking Expand page , all the questions within the page will be expanded. 

If you want individual questions to be expanded, you can click on  the 3 dots   on the right of the question > Expand Question .

When the question is expanded, you can click on the question to see more options available:
  1. Question options - to further customize the question type.
  2. Clone question - to copy the exact question and options set up as a new question. 
  3. Move up - to move the question up in the order.
  4. Move down - to move the question down in the order. 
  5. Delete question - to remove the question from the test. 


By clicking Collapse all button, all the questions will collapse to only show the question name to easily review the questions added into the test. 

Similarity, when click Collapse page , the questions within the page will be collapsed. 

If you want individual questions to be collapsed, click Collapse question .  

When the question is collapsed, you can click on the 3 dots   on the right of the question for more options for the question: 
  1. Question options  - to further customize the question type.
  2. Clone question  - to copy the exact question and options set up as a new question. 
  3. Move up  - to move the question up in the order.
  4. Move down  - to move the question down in the order. 
  5. Expand question -  to expand the question to view a snippet of how the question will be displayed.
  6. Add page break above --or-- below - to add a page break above or below the question to allow questions to be shown on separate pages.
  7. Delete question  - to remove the question from the test. 

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