Assign Incentives in a Test

Assign Incentives in a Test


Incentives can be assigned at the test level or from the Panelists library. In this workflow we will learn how to assign incentives to panelists directly from a test.

The general workflow for assigning incentives from a test is as follows:
  1. You prepare the test by setting the incentives amount for each incentive type.

  2. Panelists finish the testing.

  3. You set the test to "Complete", which automatically assigns the incentives you specified to eligible panelists.

Prepare the Test

  1. In the "Run test" tab, toggle the "Incentives test" to "Yes".

  2. Click "Set incentives".

  3. In the pop-up window, set your desired points, stars, and strikes, and click "Set incentives" to save the changes.

If your test is linked to a panel, you will only be able to set Points as incentives. If you would like to also assign attendance (Stars and Strikes), you need to remove the panel and add your panelists to the test instead of linking the panel.

When ready, start the test and collect results.

Assign Incentives

When all the data collection is done in the test, follow the steps below to properly assign incentives.
  1. In the "Run test" tab, click "Pause test".

  2. Click "Complete test and assign incentives".

  3. Review the incentives carefully to make sure the number of Points, Stars, and Strikes you wish to assign are correct. Edit if necessary.

  4. If any specific panelists require different number of Points or Stars, you can click "Edit panelists", deselect such panelists, and click "Save changes".

  5. Click "Assign incentives".

  6. If there were any panelists that you excluded in the step #4, you can repeat the steps and assign to them the incentives they should get.
The incentives are successfully assigned and you can see them reflect in the test in the "Panelists" tab, and in the Panelists library.

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