Run Test

Run Test


In the Run test tab, you can set up and review the final details of your test before you start test .


The status indicates what stage the test is in.  

Status Name
Status Description
In design  

This status indicates that an analyst is creating the test by setting up the questions in the questionnaire, and adding samples, panelists, and a design.


The test is live and ready for data collection. Clicking the Start test     button makes the test available to panelists on the panelist website.


The analyst can click Pause test   to stop the test from collecting results to either:  
  1. Make minor edits in the test and present it again.

  2. Set the test as Complete .

  3. Leave the test for later/discard it.

When all required results have been collected, the analyst removes the test from the web by clicking Pause test    > Complete  


When the test's End date has reached, the test will not be available to panelists and you will not be able to make any changes in the test.  

If you collected desired number of results, you can click Complete from the Run test  tab of the test to mark the test as complete. 

Alternatively, you can adjust the End date field to enable minor changes in the test or to start the test again for additional data collection.


The test is set to Running with a Start date set into the future. The test will be available to panelists on the website on the date and time specified in the Start date field on the Run test tab.  

Run Test Options 

Option Name
Option Description  

Display name

Name of the test to be shown to the panelist.

Start date 

The date and time when the test will be available to panelist. 

End date

The date and time when the test will not be available to panelist. 

Start test

Click to make the test live on the panelist website. Panelists will be able to sign in and take the test. 

Pause test

Click to remove the test from the web. Panelists will no longer have access to the test.  


When you have completed collecting all the results, you can mark the test as Complete

Reopen test

When a test is marked as Complete , you have the option to Reopen test to collect additional results. 

Test URL

The URL panelists will need to access to take the test. 

You can click Copy to clipboard to to paste the Test URL into a browser. 

You can also set up booths on the panelist lab devices. You can find the Booth setup instructions on the Overview tab of the test. 

Summary Table 

The  Summary  table on the right side of the page, will provide an overview of what has been added in your test.  This is a great way to see if there are any potential errors in the test.  

Indicator Option 
Indicator Option Description  

A green circle indicates there are no errors in the corresponding tab. 

A red circle with a red X indicates there are known errors with the test in the corresponding tab. 

Please read the error messages carefully and fix the items with errors in order to be able to launch the Full Preview  or  Run test

A yellow square with an exclamation mark indicates there is a warning in the corresponding tab. 

These items are not mandatory to fix. You can continue to launch Full Preview  or  Run test

A white circle indicating the Results summary.

You can always click  Run Test  tab at any point to see if there are any errors or warnings in your test. 
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