Tags Library

Tags Library


Tags are test components that enable analysts to mark (i.e. tag) tests in ways that will help them in the future when searching for tests, running analysis, etc. Tags can be optional or required, and you can use one or multiple tags in one test.

Types of Tags

  1. Single level tag. You can specify a word or several words by which you wish to tag your tests.
    For example, you work in an R&D department and sometimes run tests for your Marketing colleagues. You can have a single level tag named "Marketing Department" and use it to tag all of your tests that you run for your Marketing colleagues to easily distinguish them from your other tests when it comes time to search for them or run analysis across multiple tests.

  2. Tag with options. You can specify multiple choices (i.e sets of words) by which you wish to tag your tests.
    For example, you can have a tag named "Location" with series of choices indicating the production location, or testing location, or whatever your scenario might be.

  3. Tag with text. You can set an open text tag that requires analysts to enter a value in a tagged test, as opposed to selecting a choice as seen in the previous example.
    For example, you can have a tag named "Order #" that requires analysts to enter the order number in the test they are working with. This is not something that can be a list to select from, but rather a unique code from test to test.

Create Tags

  1. In the "Dashboard", from the black ribbon at the top, select "Libraries > Tags".

  2. In the top left corner, click "New tag".

    1. The tag name.

    2. The analyst groups you wish to make the tag available to, if applicable.

    3. Whether the tag will be required or not in tests. If toggled to "Yes", all tests in all groups that you make this tag available to will require the tag to be present and set properly in order to run the tests.

    4. The tag type and option if you selected "Tag with options".

    5. Whether the tag will automatically clear when tests containing the tag are cloned. If toggled to "No", tests containing the tag when cloned will also clone the tag values that were set in the original test.

    6. Click "Create tag".
Your newly created tag is ready to be used in tests.

Tag Tests

  1. Open a test to the "Overview" tab.

  2. Click "Add tags".

  3. Select a tag or multiple tags that you wish to tag your test with.

    If you need to tag a test with the same tag type multiple times, you can do that, too.

Search by Tags

Search for tests using the tag criteria in the "Advanced search & analysis across tests", or in the "Products library > Reports".

Manage Tags

You can edit existing tags, but you cannot change their type.
For example, if you set a tag as a "Single level" type, but realized later that it should have options, you will need to deactivate the "Single level" tag and create a new "Tag with options".

Tags cannot be deleted to preserve the link with the tests that might have them included. If you absolutely need to remove a tag from your subscription, please contact Compusense Support Team for assistance.

To modify a tag:
  1. In the Tags library, select a tag you wish to modify.

  2. Click "Edit tag" and make necessary changes.

  3. Click "Save tag".

To deactivate a tag:
  1. In the Tags library, select a tag you wish to deactivate.

  2. All the way to the right in that tag's row, uncheck the "Active" checkbox and click "Inactivate". The tag will no longer be available for adding in tests.

To activate a tag:
  1. In the Tags library, select a tag you wish to activate.

  2. All the way to the right in that tag's row, place a checkmark in the "Active" checkbox. The tag will become available to be added in tests.

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