Search for Panelists Within a Test

Search for Panelists Within a Test


There might be various reasons to search for one or more panelists. In this workflow we will learn how to quickly find one or more panelists inside a test.

Example scenario : One of your consumer panelists informed you that they never received an invitation to the test from you. You can quickly locate them even though there are thousands of panelists in your test! Once found, you can verify whether an email invitation was ever sent to them and take next steps accordingly.

Visit the Panelists Library page for more panelist searching options.

Filter Panelists

  1. From the Dashboard , open your test.

  2. Click Panelists .

  3. In the Filter box, start typing or paste panelist information you wish to search by. Every character you enter will narrow down the search by looking into all available fields ( Username , First name , Last name , and Email ) for all panelists included in the test.
    The Filter box is not case sensitive.

    For example, if you are looking for Marybeth, and you enter Mary in the Filter box, the search results will bring up following example panelists in your test whose Username , First name , Last name , or Email contain the name Mary:
    • Panelists with the first name Marybeth, Rosemary, etc.

    • Panelists with the last name Maryano, etc.

    • Panelists with the email address such as , etc.

  4. Once you locate the panelist(s) you were looking for, look at the Sent emails and Scheduled emails columns:
    1. If there are 0 sent and 0 scheduled emails, it could be that this panelist was missed somehow during the inviting process, or were added to the test after everyone else was invited. You can send them the test invitation email now if that is appropriate.

    2. If there are 0 sent but 1 or more scheduled emails, it means that the scheduled emails have not gone out yet. Check the Email history for further details about the scheduled emails.

    3. If there is 1 or more sent emails, you could consider asking the panelist some troubleshooting questions, such as whether they checked their 'junk' folder.

If you require our assistance with troubleshooting, or any other questions about the software, please contact our Support Team .

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