Samples & Design

Samples & Design


Samples and Design are core components of all test types in Compusense20.  

Throughout the test, each panelist will evaluate a Sample set.  The number of Sample sets in a test is equal to the maximum number of evaluations and orders in a test. Sample sets combine the number of  Samples and an order from the  Design to determine what each panelist is evaluating.    

Samples are what is being evaluated in your test. Typically a blinding code is used to ensure that there is no bias from panelists.

A design determines how the samples are presented to panelists. The type of design available to your test will be determined by the test type and the number of samples in your test. 

Though Survey test types include Sample sets, they do not include Samples or a Design

Add Sample Sets

In the Samples & design area of a test, you can add  Sample sets to your test by simply typing the number of sample sets required in the Samples sets field. 

Survey test types are pre-set with 10,000 sample sets and this cannot be modified.

Add Samples

In the Samples & design area of a test, you can add  Samples to your test by simply typing the number of samples required into the  Samples field.  

Samples cannot be added in Survey test types.  

Add a Design

The type of Design available will be determined on the Test type chosen and the number of Samples in your test. 

To select a Design, expand the drop-down menu and select the option that is suitable for your test's objectives.

Designs are not available in Survey test types

The availability of design options depend on the test type. 

  1. Balanced design
  2. Fixed design
  1. Triangle Design
  2. Triangle Design (Back to Back 2 Samples)
  3. Triangle Design (Back to Back 4 Samples)
  1. Same/Different Design

Once  Sample sets, Samples, and a  Design are included, click  Save. 

Edit Sample Information

In tests that include Samples, the following sample information in can be edited:

Survey test types do not contain Samples, so Sample Information will not be presented. 

Option Name
Option Description
Sample number
Used to determine position in Design
Blinding Code
Typically a 3-digit code shown to panelists to avoid bias
Sample name
The Sample name will be used in Reports and can be shown to panelists
Sample type
Sample, Control, Blind Control, A, B, Spike
Add image to add an image to be displayed in Questions

Sample numbers can be rearranged in a test that is not Running, by clicking on the icon and dragging the row of information into another row. 

Click Save once information is updated.

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