Import Panelists with Special Characters
To import panelist information with special characters, such as Chinese characters, you will need to save your panelist information excel file as Unicode text. Once your file is saved as Unicode text you can change the file type to .dat. This .dat file can then be imported into the Panelists Library.
If the file is saved as .csv first, it will change your characters in the file into different characters for example, so the file must first be saved as Unicode text (.txt).
Visit the
Panelists Library page for other panelist-related scenarios that may be of interest to you.
Prepare File with Special Characters
Prepare your panelist data in the file format compatible with our software. Use the example panelist import file found at the bottom of this page to guide you through the process.
The file contains four columns:
Save your file as Unicode text.

You MUST save your file as Unicode text before continuing. If the file is saved as .csv first, it will change your special characters in the file into different characters, so the file must first be saved as Unicode text (.txt).
After preparing your Excel file, o
pen your file explorer and go to the location that the Unicode file is saved in. Ensure that you can see the File name extensions in your file explorer.

Right-click on the Unicode file, and click Rename. Update the File name extension from .txt to .dat.
Click Yes in the pop up that appears.
Import Panelists
- In the Panelists library, select a panel in which you wish to import the panelists. If the desired panel does not exist, add a new panel first.
On the right, select Import/export > Import panelists .

In the Import panelists options screen, select import new panelists > Use passwords from my imported file > Next if using password from your file.
In the Import panelists screen, click Browse and locate your panelist import file that you prepared above. Click Open .
- Click Submit .
You will be provided with a message indicating whether your import was successful or not.
| Description
| All the records in your file imported successfully. No action is required for successful imports.
| Your file imported partially. The portion of your original file that did not successfully import is saved to a new file.
Download the revised file to review what has caused the import to be unsuccessful, and update the file to eliminate the issue.
Repeat the importing steps.
| Your entire file did not import.
Download the revised file to review what has caused the import to be unsuccessful, and update the file to eliminate the issue.
Repeat the importing steps.
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