Glossary of Terms

Glossary of Terms

Base Design

The Base design is the number of sample sets (or unique sample orders) in a design as originally imported into the Designs library.

The Samples & design area of a test automatically multiplies the Base design to match the specified total number of sample sets in the test.

Designs distributed with the software contain the minimum number of sample sets required to accomplish positional and pairwise balance where applicable. Custom designs may or may not be balanced.

Sample Sets

A sample set is the group of samples presented to a panelist.

The design determines which samples are presented and the order of their presentation within each sample set.
The Samples & design area of a test automatically multiplies the Base design sample sets to match the specified total number of sample sets in the test.

Different test types have different best practices for minimum number of results recommended to obtain statistical analysis. Please refer to sensory and statistics literature for your test type recommendations.

In addition to considering those recommendations, we also recommend to set the total number of sample sets in your tests to be higher than the expected number of panelists. For example, if for your Triangle test you have scheduled 40 panelists, we recommend the total number of sample sets to be at least 50 or higher. Extra sample sets are useful to have in case additional panelists show up, or for any other unforeseen situations. Extra sample sets enable you to use them if needed, and they do not have a negative impact on the data collection and analysis if not used. On the other hand, if you do not have enough sample sets, it can have negative impact on the data collection, and consequently on the analysis.

If required, in the Samples & design tab of your test, you can shuffle the sample sets to meet your testing objectives.

Shuffle Sample Set Order

By applying the Shuffle Sample Set Order option within a test , the order of sample sets from a Base design gets rearranged, but the sample order within each sample set remains as originally set in the Base design .

For example, you might have a design for 4 samples that has 24 sample sets (24 unique orders of 4 samples) in the Base design . Each sample set is equivalent to an order of samples each person (panelist) receives.

The Base design always has the sample set 1 first with its 4 samples in a specific order. For example, 1,4,2,3. The sample set 2 has the sample order 2,1,3,4, etc.

In many cases, when adding a Base design to a test, keeping the sample sets as they are in the Base design will be just fine. The sample set 1 will be taken by the first panelist, sample set 2 will be taken by the second panelist, etc.

However, when you are using the same panelists for testing, e.g. employees, to eliminate a possibility that they might learn the sample order after a period of time, it is useful to shuffle the sample sets in your tests. For example, if you normally use Sample sets pre-assigned to panelists option in the Logistics tab, frequent panelists could eventually learn that their sample order is always the same. This is because the position of their panelist record in the Panelists list in a test equals a specific sample set, which equals a specific order of samples every time. For example the first panelist in your list will always be assigned sample set 1.

When you enable the Shuffle Sample Set Order feature in a test, the sample set 1 in the Base design  can be served to the 5th panelist, for example; the sample set 2 in the Base design  can be served to the 18th panelist, etc. The order of samples within each of those sample sets does not change from what they are in the Base design , but the position of the sample sets in the Base design changes.

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