Descriptive Analysis Testing

Descriptive Analysis Testing


Welcome to the Descriptive Analysis Testing Webinar! 

This webinar will take you through all of our features specifically for DA Testing, from training your panelists with FCM, having open discussions with our Show results at end feature to analyzing your results with our DA Workbook.

If you have any questions about any of the content in this webinar, please feel free to  contact our friendly support team  for assistance. 

Descriptive Analysis Testing Webinar

  1. Creating a training test for your Descriptive Panel
    1. Adding and Modifying Line Scales
    2. Using our easy to use Training and feedback feature
      1. Adding Immediate feedback
      2. Show results at end for panelist discussion
  2. Setting up a Descriptive Test
    1. Add reps into a test
    2. Add Partial Present to facilitate testing over multiple days
  3. Creating the Descriptive Analysis Workbook: Please see the attached PDF for more information regarding the Descriptive Analysis Workbook

Total run time: 1 hour 2 minutes 

Date recorded: December 06, 2021

Having trouble viewing this video? Click the link to download the webinar (219 MB MP4 download):

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