Build: Connections

Build: Connections


Connections allow you to send panelists to specific target point in the questionnaire (e.g. another question, the end of the questions for a sample, or even the end of the test) depending on their answers in a specific question.

There are three types of Connections available:
  1. Jump - Based on their answers in a question, panelists will advance directly to a target point in the questionnaire. This can be another question, text screen, the next sample, the end of section, or even the end of the test.

  2. Skip - Based on panelist response(s) in a question, the software will allow panelists to skip specific questions during their journey through the questionnaire.

  3. Entrance Criteria - The question or attribute with the Entrance Criteria specified in it will be displayed to panelists only if their answer in a specific previous Choose question or a Category attribute met the criteria.
Please ensure that you create the test questionnaire and add all questions first before setting up the connections. 
Any questions that have been set up with a connection will have the connection icon  located above the question/attribute number in the Build area. 

Add a Jump Connection

  1. From the Build area of your questionnaire, click the Connections button  > Jump .

  2. In the If drop down, select the question or attribute from which you want to connect.

  3. In the Response is drop down, select the parameter that will apply to the panelist response. If applicable, select the response choices that the operator will apply to in the Please Select drop down.

  4. In the Then jump to drop down, select where you would like the panelist to go next.

  5. Click Save
All Jump connections created in the test will be identified in purple in the Connections page. 

Add a Skip Connection

  1. From the Build area of your questionnaire, click the Connections button  > Skip .

  2. In the If drop down, select the question from which you want to connect.

  3. In the Response is drop down, select the parameter that will apply to the panelist response. If applicable, select the response choices that the operator will apply to in the Please Select drop down.

  4. In the Then skip drop down, select the questionnaire components you would like the panelist to skip.

  5. Click Save
All Skip connections created in the test will be identified in dark green in the Connections page. 

Add an Entrance Criteria Connection

Entrance Criteria will only work based on the answers from Choose questions and Category attributes.
  1. From the Build area of your questionnaire, click the Connections button  > Entrance Criteria .

  2. In the Show drop down, select the question you would like the panelist to see if the criteria is met.

  3. In the Only if drop down, select the question you would like to set the criteria for.

  4. In the Response is drop down, select the parameter that will apply to the panelist response. Select the response choices that the operator will apply to in the Please Select drop down.

  5. Click Save

All Entrance Criteria connections created in the test will be identified in blue in the Connections page

When done adding Connections in the test, click OK to save the changes. You can always view or edit them later.

View Connections

You can view all the connections made in the test by clicking Connections from the Build area.
  1. In the left pane, you will see a list all the existing connections.
  2. In the right pane, a list of all the questions in the questionnaire. Questions and attributes containing connections will have a connection icon  in front of their name.
Click a connection in the left pane of the Connections window. This will highlight the questions and attributes in the right pane that are affected by the Connection. They will be highlighted in a color that corresponds to the connection type.
Click a question or attribute containing the connection icon  in the right pane to highlight in the left pane the types of connections the question or attribute are set up with.

Edit Connections

  1. In the Build area, click Connections.

  2. Locate the connection you wish to edit and click Edit .

  3. Make the necessary changes and click Save > OK

Click Check Build  from the Build area to quickly see if there are any issues found with the questions or connections created. 

Delete Connections

  1. In the Build area, click Connections.

  2. Locate the connection you wish to delete and click Edit .

  3. Click Delete > OK.

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