Question Type: Choose

Question Type: Choose


In a Choose question, panelists are presented with a group of choices or concepts and asked to pick one choice, all choices that apply, or a specific number of choices.  

There are three types of Choose questions available in Compusense20: 
  1. Choose only 1:  A panelist is presented with a list of choices and is asked to select one of the choices. 
  2. Choose n : A panelist is presented with a list of choices and is asked to select a subset of choices. The minimum and maximum number of choices that can be selected is predetermined during the test setup.  
  3. Check all that apply (CATA):  A panelist is presented with a list of choices and is asked to select any number of choices. If none of the choices apply, panelists will be able to skip the question without selecting anything. If you want to force an answer, you will want to add a Choose n question type. This way panelists will have to select the choices.

Question Compatibility

The Choose questions are compatible with the following test types: 
  1. Standard Test
  2. Triangle
  3. Survey
  4. Same/Different

Add the Question

  1. From the Build area of your questionnaire, click the blue Add Element button on the left. 
  2. Select Choose and click the one of the following Choose questions: 
    1. Check all that apply
    2. Choose n
    3. Choose only 1
  3. Update Question Name  field. 
  4. Click Add panelist instructions for this question to add text.
Images can be added in the panelist Instructions.

You are able to drag and drop a question to the location of your choice when adding in a new question to your questionnaire. You can also move your question after adding it by using the Move up and Move down arrows.

Question Options

Click Question options to access a list of options available to further customize your question.  

If you don't see the menu options on the right-pane, click the question in the Build area to highlight the question.

Options in the Choices Tab

Option Name
Option Description
Identifies how many choices are in the question.

Hover over a choice number and the cursor will change like this:  Click and drag the choice to a different spot in the question. The value will not be updated when the choice is moved to a different order in the list. 
Edit the text to label the choices.

Enter the number indicating the value that will be assigned to each choice in the test results. The values can be updated after results have been collected. 

Click Add image to associate an image with the choice.   
If you want this image to display to panelists, you will need to ensure the Choice display  option, found in the Display tab, is set to either Choice image only or Choice label and image .
Click the down arrow if you wish to allow panelists to add additional comments when they select the choice. 
  1. No comments: Panelists will not be prompted to enter any comments when they select the choice.

  2. Prompt for comment: Panelists will be prompted to enter optional comments in an additional field when they select the choice.

    E.g. If you need a choice labeled 'Other, please specify', you can prompt panelists to specify what the 'other' is without forcing them to specify anything.

  3. Required comment: Panelists will be prompted to enter mandatory comments in an additional field when they select the choice.

    E.g. If you need a choice labeled 'Other, please specify', you can force panelists to specify what the 'other' is.
Exclusive Choice
Click the down arrow if you wish to provide panelists with a quick way to select all choices, none of the choices, or one choice.
This column is not available in a Choose only 1 question type.
  1. Not exclusive: When panelists click on a choice set up with this option, it will not affect other choices listed to them.

  2. Select all of the above: When panelists click on a choice set up with this option, all the choices listed to them, including this choice, will get a checkmark inserted in them.

    In the results, it will show the panelist as having had selected all the choices. 

    E.g. If you need to have a choice labelled 'All of the above', select the Select all of the above option to allow panelists to select all the choices in one click.

  3. Clear all: When panelists click on a choice set up with this option, all the choices listed to them, including this choice, will get cleared. No checkmarks will be inserted.

    In the results, it will show as if the panelist did not select anything. 

    E.g. In case panelists made a mistake and want to start over with their selections, you can provide them with a choice labeled 'Deselect All'. This will enable them to clear all of their selections in one click and start over.

  4. Select only this: When panelists click on a choice set up with this option, all the choices listed to them will get cleared, and only this choice will be checked.

    In the results, it will show the panelist as having selected this option.

    E.g. If you wish to enable panelists to indicate that none of the listed choices are applicable, label a choice 'None of the above' and select the  Select only this option. This is ideal solution for CATA questions where you don't want to allow panelists to skip without selecting at least one choice. 
Click  to remove the choice from your question.

Add Choice
Click to add additional choices at the bottom of the list of your question.

Reset Values
Click to renumber the values in the Value  column to be in the ascending order.

This is helpful for choices that were manually moved around to ensure that the values reflect the final choice order.

Options in the General Tab

Option Name
Option Description
Question name
The Question name is the label visible to analysts in the following areas:
  1. Question in the Build area of your test

  2. Analysis Reports, Graphs and Exports.
Show question name to panelists  
Click to display the Question name to panelists or to hide it from them.

Display name
Enter the text that you wish to display to the panelist if your Question name is of a sensitive nature and should not be visible to them.

Sensitive data
Click Yes to flag the collected results for this question as sensitive.

If the panelist unsubscribes or is deleted from the Panelists library by an administrator, their data collected in questions marked as sensitive will also be removed. 

Data collected in questions that are not marked as sensitive will remain in your tests even after a panelist is unsubscribed/deleted.

Question type
Select from the dropdown a different variation of this question type. 

Options in the Display Tab

Option Name
Option Description
Show question
This will control whether your question will be sample related, test related, or not sample related.
  1. For all samples: The question will display for all the samples in your test.

  2. Once (not sample related): The question will display only once and will not be sample related. This is useful for collecting demographic data.

  3. Same/Different response relatedYou can collect more information about the sample selected in a Same/Different question by adding a Choose question type that is Same/Different related. The sample selected by panelists in the Same/Different question will be identified in the follow-up question, as well as in the results.  

  4. Triangle response related:  You can collect more information about the sample selected in a Triangle question by adding a Choose question type that is Triangle related. The sample selected by panelists in the Triangle question will be identified in the follow-up question, as well as in the results.  

    Any response related questions must appear after the respective question type.  
Present question
Specify how you'd like the question to appear:
  1. Monadically/one sample at a time: This will display the question to the panelists one sample at a time.

  2. All samples at first opportunity: This will display the question to the panelists for all the samples on the same page, in the first cycle through the questionnaire. 

  3. All sample at last opportunity: This will display the question to the panelist for all the samples on the same page, in the last cycle through the questionnaire.  

  4. First Cycle: This will display a Once (not sample related) question in the first cycle through the questionnaire.
    In a test that has all not sample related questions (i.e. in the Survey test type), the question will be displayed in the order it is in the list of questions.

  5. Last Cycle: This will display a Once (not sample related) question in the last cycle through the questionnaire.
The Last Cycle option is not available in Choose questions added in Survey, Same/Different, and Triangle test types.  
Show blinding code
Display the sample blinding code of the current sample.

Choice layout
Display the choices in the following number of columns:
  1. One column
  2. Two columns
  3. Three columns
  4. Four columns
Choice display
Select from the following choice components to be displayed to the panelists:
  1. Choice label only: Display the text label only.

  2. Choice image only: Display only the image associated with the choice. 

  3. Choice label and image:  Display both the image associated with the choice and the text label. Add an image to your choice in the Choice/Concept tab.
By default,  Choice label and image  option is selected.

Allow side-by-side test
Displays the question side-by-side for all samples. With this option enabled, the question will need to be presented for 'All samples at first opportunity' or 'All samples at last opportunity'. 

Evaluate image as sample
Displays the image file associated with the presented sample. Images can be uploaded to each sample in the Samples & design area.

Additional Display Options for Choose n Question Type

Option Name
Option Description
Max selections allowed
Set the value for the maximum number of choices panelists can select. The highest value equals the total number of choices in the question.  

Min selections allowed
Set the value for the minimum number of choices panelists can select. The lowest value is 1.

Additional  Display  Options for Choose only 1 Question Type

Option Name
Option Description
Show as drop down
Displays the choices in a drop down list.


Click the Results tab to access and choose from the following analysis options:
  1. Graphs - Visual representation of the data.
  2. Data - Raw data display in the form of check marks indicating which choices the panelists selected. 
  3. Reports - Create new or view previously generated reports. The following reports are compatible with the Choose question type:
    1. Standard report - Detailed information about counts, means, Standard Deviation, the p-value, statistical decision, Multiple Comparison Test. 
    2. Summary report - A list of all attributes included in the analysis and their means. This report provides a quick way of identifying whether there is a significant difference and if yes, in which attributes the difference lies.
    3. PowerPoint report - Visual representation of the data in the PowerPoint Report file format.
    4. Panelist summary report - The Panelist summary report lists individual panelist scores for each attribute and sample. The report is ideal for panel training purposes.
    5. Raw data export - Choose from the Multivariate, Univariate, and Multivariate Columnar raw data export formats to suit your exporting needs.
Comment data can be found in the Raw data exports - Select 'Choose' question comment in Select options when creating the report.

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