Add/Delete/Rename a Product Group

Add/Delete/Rename a Product Group


Products that are used in more than one test should be set up and maintained in the Products library. Each overarching (overall) product must have their own unique Product code in order to avoid duplicates. Their samples can then be added into individual tests for evaluation.

Within the library, similar products can be organized in Product groups.

Data collected on samples of products that exist in the Products library can be analyzed for insights about product performance over time.

The Products library is available in the full version of the software.

There are three main types of product groups:
  1. Top Level Product Group - Useful to separate and maintain distinct types of products. You can create top level product groups as described in this workflow.

  2. Product Subgroup - Useful to further organize products within top level product groups. You can create product subgroups as described in this workflow.

  3. Unassigned Products - This product group is distributed with the software. It is useful for locating products that are not members of any product groups your organization created. This product group cannot be deleted or renamed, and it cannot have subgroups.

In this workflow we will learn how to create new and how to rename and delete existing top level product groups and subgroups.

Add a Top Level Product Group

  1. From the black ribbon at the top, select Libraries > Products .

  2. Click + Add group.

  3. Enter a Product group name.

  4. From the Choose different location dropdown, select Top Level Product Group .

  5. Click Create product group.
Your top level product group is ready for product import or manual addition, and you can create subgroups for further product management as described in the next set of steps, if necessary.

Add a Product Subgroup

  1. From the black ribbon at the top, select Libraries > Products .
  2. In the left pane, select a top level product group or an existing subgroup where you wish to create your new subgroup.
    1. Click + Add group.


    2. Click the three vertical dots and select Create new product group.

  3. Enter a Product group name.

  4. The Product group location will indicate under which top level product group or subgroup your new subgroup will reside. If this location is not what you expected, from the Choose different location dropdown, select another top level product group or subgroup.

  5. Click Create product group  and add products into the new product subgroup as needed.

Products that are included in a subgroup are automatically included in the top level product group. Products that are included in the top level product group are not automatically included in the product subgroup.

Delete a Product Groups or Subgroup

A product group or subgroup is eligible for deletion when all conditions listed below are true:
  1. The product group/subgroup is empty


  2.  The product group/subgroup is not used in any tests

To Delete Eligible Product Group:
  1. From the black ribbon at the top, select Libraries > Products .

  2. In the left pane, select a top level product group or a subgroup that you wish to delete.

  3. To the right of the product group or a subgroup that you selected, click the three vertical dots and select Delete this product group.

  4. Confirm your action in the screen that follows

Rename a Product Groups or Subgroup

  1. From the black ribbon at the top, select Libraries > Products .

  2. In the left pane, select a top level product group or a subgroup that you wish to rename.

  3. To the right of the product group or a subgroup that you selected, click the three vertical dots and select Rename this product group.

  4. Type a new name and click Save .

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