Search for Panelists Within a Panel

Search for Panelists Within a Panel


There might be various reasons to search for one or more panelists. In this workflow we will learn how to quickly find panelists inside a specific panel in the Panelists library.

Example scenario: One of your descriptive panelists informed you that their email address changed. Because you know that they are a member of your DA Panel, you can quickly locate them directly in that panel even though there are thousands of panelists across your entire Panelists library!

Visit the Panelists Library page for more panelist searching options.

Find Panelists Inside a Specific Panel

  1. From the black ribbon at the top, select Libraries > Panelists.

  2. From the list of panels on the left, select the panel you know that the panelist you are looking for is a part of. In our example, we would select the DA Panel.
    1. If you see your panelist on the right side of the screen, click their Username to open their Panelist card.

    2. If you do not see your panelist on the right side of the screen, adjust how many panelists are shown per page, or use the page navigation buttons at the bottom of the list to locate the desired panelist.

      You can always use the Filter feature to assist you in your search.

  3. Update the panelist's email address. Repeat the steps for additional panelists, if necessary.

Our example scenario was about updating email address. However, once you find the panelist(s) you were looking for, you can export their information, change their panel membership, send them an email, or manage their incentives.

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