Pause and Reactivate Panelists

Pause and Reactivate Panelists


The Pause feature allows you to prevent specific panelists from coming up in searches for active panelist. You can pause panelists until specific date, or indefinitely. Panelists paused until a specific date are automatically reactivated on the date specified. Those paused indefinitely, if ever required, can be reactivated manually.

Visit the Panelists Library page for more panelist related workflows.

Here are some example scenarios where pausing panelists can be useful:
  1. Your panelist is going on an extended leave, such as vacation, sick leave, maternity leave, etc. You know when they are returning, but until they do, you do not want to keep sending them invitations to your tests.

  2. You identified a consumer panelist that tends to click through questionnaires just to get incentives.

    Pausing such panelist will hide them from active panelist searches, therefore, you will not be adding them to your tests. You may wonder why not just delete them!?

    You absolutely can delete such panelist if you do not want them on your panel. However, if you were to delete a panelist, if by some chance they apply to become a panelist again using the same Username , they will successfully be added to the Panelists library.

    On the other hand, when their status is set to Paused, their record still exists in your Panelists library, preventing them from getting imported or manually added again.

Panelists can be paused only from their Panelist card, one panelist at a time.

Pausing Panelists Indefinitely

Pausing panelists indefinitely is useful if you do not know when the panelist's status should be changed back to Active. Panelists paused indefinitely need to be manually reactivated if needed.
  1. Search for the panelist you wish to pause.

  2. Click the panelist's Username to open their Panelist card.

  3. On the right, in the Profile tab, from the Status dropdown list, select Paused.

  4. From the Until dropdown list, select Indefinitely.

  5. When done making any other updates in the Panelist card, to return to the Panelists library, click Panelists tab.
    To return to the Dashboard, in the top right-hand corner, click the home icon.

    If the panelist ever needs to be reactivated, follow the corresponding steps at the bottom of this page.

Pausing Panelists Until Specific Date

Pausing panelists until specific date is useful if you know when the panelist's status should be changed back to Active. The best part is that you do not have to do anything to reactivate the panelist that were paused until a specific date. The software will do that automatically on the date you specified.
  1. Search for the panelist you wish to pause.

  2. Click the panelist's Username to open their Panelist card.

  3. On the right, in the Profile tab, from the Status dropdown list, select Paused.

  4. From the Until dropdown list, select Specific date and set the date in the future.

  5. When done making any other updates in the Panelist card, to return to the Panelists library, click Panelists tab.
    To return to the Dashboard, in the top right-hand corner, click the home icon.

Reactivating Paused Panelists

Panelists paused indefinitely can only be reactivated manually. Panelists paused until a specific date will automatically be reactivated on the specified date, unless you wish to change their status to active before the date originally specified. Below are the steps for reactivating paused panelists:
  1. From the black ribbon at the top, select Libraries > Panelists.

  2. In the left pane, select Paused panelists.

  3. Locate the panelist you wish to reactivate.

    If you do not see all your panelists on the right side of the screen, adjust how many panelists are shown per page, or use the page navigation buttons at the bottom of the list to locate the desired panelists.

    You can always use the Filter feature to assist you in your search.

  4. Click the panelist's Username to open their Panelist card.

  5. On the right, in the Profile tab, from the Status dropdown list, select Active.

The panelist will be restored to all the panels they used to be a member of prior to being paused. You will now be able to search for them and invite them to tests.

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