Log Panelists Out Automatically

Log Panelists Out Automatically


Do you ever find that some of your panelists forget to click the  Finished button? You are then left with incomplete data even though likely they answered all the questions.

Or do you ever find that some of your panelists forget to log out after completing their test? It can be time consuming and frustrating to go around the booths to log them out to prepare the booths for the next group of panelists.

The good news is, you can use a feature in Compusense to accomplish these for you automatically. You have to set the feature up once and then sit back and relax. 

Before you begin with the steps below, on your analyst side, first open a test (any test) and in the "Overview" tab, print or otherwise make a note of the "Booth setup instructions". Once you have a copy of the instructions, go to the panelist devices and follow the steps below.

Set Panelist Devices Up to Automatically Log Panelists Out

  1. It is important that you follow the steps for booth setup found in your test's "Overview" tab because it contains a URL unique to your panelist website. 

  2. For our workflow here, the key is to click  "Advanced Options".  Placing a checkmark in the boxes outlined below will have the following effects:  
    1. "Enable redirect loop"  - When a panelist clicks "Finished" button, they will be automatically logged out and the booth will be ready for the next panelist to log in.

    2. "Enable autoforward"  When a panelist reaches the "Thank you" screen, the "Finished" button will be greyed out. They will not be able to click on it, and they will not need to click on it. The value that you enter in the "Time before autoforward" box will dictate how long the "Thank you" screen will be displayed (below is an example with 5 seconds). When the time specified lapses, panelist's sample set will automatically be saved as complete and they will also automatically be logged out.

You may follow the rest of the instructions that you obtained in the "Overview" tab of your test.

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