Email History

Email History


All email communication with panelists is stored and available for review in the Panelists library. Whether an email was sent by you or your colleagues, whether it was sent from a test or from the Panelists library, whether an email was already sent or is scheduled to be sent in the future, you can find it by following the steps in this workflow.

Access Email History Within Tests

Emails sent to panelists from within tests are available for review within those tests, but they can also be found inside the Panelists library. Follow the steps below to access the scheduled and sent emails from within individual tests.
  1. From the Dashboard, locate a test you in which you wish to check the email history, and open it.

  2. Click Panelists > Email > Email history.

  3. Use the Column picker to customize the list of columns displayed. Click the Subject line of the email you are looking for.

    If you do not see the email you are interested in, adjust how many entries are shown per page, or use the page navigation buttons at the bottom of the list to locate the desired email.

    You can always use the Filter feature to assist you in your search. Characters entered in the Filter box will be used in the search inside the email body, in subject lines, and date fields.

    If you still cannot find the email you are looking for, maybe you are not in the right test. Try searching for the email from within the Panelists library by following the next set of steps on this page.

  4. Review the email details. In this screen you have an option to modify scheduled emails, but emails that have already been sent cannot be modified.

Access Email History in the Panelists Library

All email communication with panelists can be viewed from the Panelists library.
  1. From the black ribbon at the top, select Libraries > Panelists.

  2. Click History > Email history.

  3. Use the Column picker to customize the list of columns displayed. Click the Subject line of the email you are looking for.

    If you do not see the email you are interested in, adjust how many entries are shown per page, or use the page navigation buttons at the bottom of the list to locate the desired email.

    You can always use the Filter feature to assist you in your search. Characters entered in the Filter box will be used in the search inside the email body, in subject lines, and date fields.

  4. Review the email details. In this screen you have an option to modify scheduled emails that have not been sent yet, but emails that have already been sent cannot be modified.

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