Comment Sorting

Comment Sorting


Comment sorting allows you to sort individual words provided by panelists in a Comment question into word groups for analysis. Consumer comments can provide valuable information about your products and about consumer trends. Trained panel comments can help you build a lexicon that can be turned into CATA (Choose All That Apply) questions or even scalable attributes in the future tests.

Once Comment Sorting has been applied, you will be able to export the Comment sorting report as well as review Word Clouds and Word Network graphs.
The comment sorting feature is compatible with all languages that separate character sets with spaces and/or with the return characters.

Definition of 'Word'

Any set of characters delimited by spaces or delimited by return characters is considered a 'word'. For example,' fruity/floral' is considered as a single word because there are no spaces or return characters around the slash.

In each word group you can add one or more key words that define the properties you are looking for. For example, if you were sorting ‘liking’ Comment responses in a sunscreen evaluation test, you may create a word group named 'Application'. From the list of words provided by panelists you can add to this 'Application' group the key words that pertain to the product application, such as 'rub', 'spread', 'apply', and any variations of these words. The same strategy can be followed to create other word groups that contain words you believe define the properties of your samples.

In demographic Comment questions, grouped words provide counts on how many times each word was used. In sample related Comment questions, grouped words provide counts per sample. Word groups can be saved as Tag sets for later use in other tests.
Comments entered through ‘Choose’ questions are not compatible with Comment Sorting and graphing features.

Tagging comments manually

  1. In the Results area, click on the Comment sorting tab.
  2. Select a Comment question from the Question dropdown. You can only select one question at a time.
  3. Click Manage tags:
    1. Add tags – If you do not have a saved tag set/word group set to use, create new tags for your comments. These tags will also be used as new word groups you can use in the Word grouping window.
    2. Remove tag –Remove tags/word groups created during the comment sorting of this test.
    3. Load tag set - Use a saved Tag set/Word group set.
    4. Save tag set – Save the tags/word groups you have used in the comment sorting of the test as a new tag set to use in future tests.

Grouping the words manually

To ignore 'noise' words:

Depending on the nature of the test, the list of comments can be lengthy. The list will contain all the words that panelists provided; those that are of interest to you and those that are not. Before creating a word group you can choose to ignore (remove from the list) the 'noise' words, which are words that do not define samples. E.g. 'not', 'the', 'a', 'I', etc...
  1. In the Results area, click on the Comment sorting tab.
  2. Select a Comment question from the Question dropdown. You can only select one question at a time.
  3. Click Manage tags:
    1. 1-Word groups
    2. 2-Word groups
  4. In the list on the left, select a word you wish to ignore.
  5. Click Ignore the word "xxx". The "xxx" here represents the word you selected.
  6. To review and manage ignored words, click # ignored words… The "#" here represents the number of ignored words.
    1. In the Ignored words window, place a checkmark next to the words you wish to restore. To select all words, place a checkmark in the checkbox found in the header row. To deselect all words, remove the checkmark from the checkbox in the header row.
    2. Click Restore checked words.
    3. Click Save once done or click Cancel to exit without saving.

To create a Word Group:

  1. In the Results area, click on the Comment sorting tab.
  2. Select a Comment question from the Question dropdown. You can only select one question at a time.
  3. Click Manage tags.
    1. 1-Word groups
    2. 2-Word groups
  4. In the list on the left, select a word that you wish to build a group upon.
  5. You can also create Word groups by creating a new tag from the main Comment sorting window.
  6. Click Create new group with the word "xxx".  A new word group named after the selected word will be created and that same word will automatically be added to the new group. If you decide later that you wish to change the group name, you can simply click inside the current name (Group Label) on the right and type in a new name.

To add words to a word group:

  1. Select a group on the right.
  2. In the word list on the left, select a word you wish to add.
  3. Alternatively, you can select a word first and then select the group to which you wish to add the word.
  4. Click Add "xxx" to Group "yyy".
  5. If the word is accidentally added to a wrong group, click inside the Group label on the right, select the word you want to remove, and then click Remove to return it to the word list. Follow the steps 1 through 3 to add the word to the correct group.
  6. Repeat these steps until all the words you wish to add are in the selected group.
  7. Follow the same process for any additional word groups.
The words on the left can be sorted by clicking on the Count or Word headers.

Reviewing the Comments

Before exporting the Comment analysis, you can review the actual comments that contain the key words added in the word groups/tags.
  1. In the Comment sorting window, the following is displayed:
    1. A list of all panelists' comments ordered by the sample number.
    2. Word groups/tags next to the comments the key words came from.
  2. Use the Filters found above the comments to help sort and view your comments.
  3. Click the x next to the word group/tag that you feel does not belong to the comment.
  4. Click Manage tags > 1-Word groups or 2—Word groups to continue building the Tag set.

Exporting Comment Analysis

  1. When all the word groups and tags are defined as desired, click Reports > Create report.
  2. From 1. Select report type, select Comment sorting.
  3. In 3. Select questions, select the comment question you applied comment sorting to. You can only select 1 question at a time.
  4. In 4. Select export type, click Create my report.
  5. Click on the down arrow to download the report.
  6. Open the file and review all the sheets:
    1. Summary - In the sample related Comment questions, the total word count in the entire question per sample, per tag is displayed. Demographic Comment questions display total counts per tag.
    2. Sample tabs- Applicable to sample related Comment questions only. Each sample has its own sheet with every comment for that sample listed indicating whether any of the comments belong to any of the tags.
    3. Results - Applicable to demographic Comment questions only. Every panelist's comment is listed indicating whether they belong to any of the tags
    4. Question -Displays all the comments per sample without any groupings and counts (raw data).
    5. Graphs -Displays graphs, one for each sample across the tags.
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